Showing posts with label muslim alliance with rum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muslim alliance with rum. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2020

Muslim alliance with the Rum in the end of time

"O you who believe! Do not make such Jews and such Christians as friends (allies) with whom they are allies. Whoever does that, then he belongs to them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoers". (Al-Maidah : 51)

"And you will find Jews and polytheists who are very hostile to you, and (on the other hand) you will find those who are closer to their in love and friendship to those who believe, namely people who say "We are a Christian". That is because among them the priests and the faith. And they are not arrogant people". (Al-Maidah : 82)

The above verse describes the situation of Muslims at the end of time. By the end of time Muslims are in a time of collapse after enjoying a time of success for +1500 years. The period of success of the Muslims began in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD) continued during the time of the Rasidun caliphate (during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali) then continued during the caliphate (rule of the Umayyah in Damascus Syria, the rule of the Abbasids in Baghdad Iraq, the Bani Fatimid government in Cordoba Spain, and the Ottoman Turkish government in Constantinople). At the time of its success, Muslims appeared as the rulers of the world and became role models for other nations. Islam rahmatan lil alamin can be enforced throughout the territorial territory of Muslims and even around the world. Justice can be upheld even among non-Muslims, even people who are hostile to Muslims, as long as they do not attack and betray.

The fall of the Ottoman Turkish caliphate in 1923 was the collapse of the Muslims world. At the time of the collapse of the Muslims, there will be haters and spreaders of false news, namely Jews and polytheists who are ideally opposed to Muslims, namely the descendants of Prophet Ibrahim from the lineage of Prophet Ishaq and Prophet Ishmael. The manifestation of that hatred and enmity is a Jewish and Christian alliance called the Judeo-Christian alliance. In every place in the world, Muslims are experiencing oppression. The basis of this enmity was the Israelites' unilateral claim to the city of Jerusalem (the Promised Land). Israel, who call themselves as God's chosen people, try to reclaim the city of Jerusalem and establish the State of Israel in Jerusalem. They do not stop there, Israel also strive to become world rulers by creating the Greater Israel State, whose territorial territory extends from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in Iraq which includes territory of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon and Jordan as well as all of Syria and parts of Turkey where it is claimed as part of Jerusalem territory. The more complete oppression experienced by the Muslims at the act of the Children of Israel.

At the time of the collapse of the Muslims and the oppression experienced by the Muslims there will appear a group of ummah that will release the Muslims from oppression for which the people are not shy to acknowledge "We are Christians".

Identification of Christians:

Christians are people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ (Isa Al Masih). Some Christians were found oriented to the Vatican, the Netherlands and some of them oriented to Constantinople. Christians who are oriented to the Vatican are called Catholics, those who are oriented to the Netherlands are called Protestant Christians, and those who are oriented to Constantinople are called Orthodox Christians. The fundamental difference between the three Christians is an insight into their faith and an understanding of who is called God.

For Orthodox Christians, God is Lord of the worlds, in which Jesus Christ is the messenger of God. Another difference is that Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in January. The priest and Orthodox Christians have returned to their identity as followers of Jesus Christ (the messenger of God) and do not spread hostility and oppression to fellow human beings.

Identification of Ruum:

"The Romans were defeated in the (plains) of the nearest earth. After that defeat the Romans would gain victory. In a few more years, for Allah is the business before and after (they win). And on that day the believers will rejoice. And that is because of God's help. He helps whomever he wants. He is Almighty and Most Merciful. (that is) the promise of Allah, (which) Allah will not break His promise, but most people do not know". (Ar-Rum : 2-6).

The identification of the Rum can be seen in terms of history, information from the Quran and Hadith, and from the characteristics (characteristics) shown by the Rum themselves.

The Romans were the Romans, a great nation that had ruled the world for almost 2000 years (753 BC to 1453 AD). The territory of the Rum was around the Mediterranean Sea which included three continents, namely Europe, Asia and the continent of Africa. The Rum were rulers of the Mediterranean sea for thousands of years.

The relationship between the Romans and Surah Rum in the Quran can be seen from the historical timeline of the Romans and the period of the Quran. Before the reign of Emperor Diocletian, the territory of the Romans covered a very large area and was controlled from one city, namely the city of Rome. In 285 AD, Emperor Diocletian divided the administrative area of Roman government into two, namely West Rome with its capital city Rome, and Eastern Rome with its capital Nicomedia. Then in 324 AD, Emperor Constantine (the Eastern Roman Emperor) moved the capital of the East, Constantinople. The period of 408-476 AD Western Rome began to decline and collapsed on 4 September 476 with the fall of the city of Rome to Odoacer (barbarian from the East German nation, Heruli). Practically the city of Rome no longer had an important role in the international world at that time. Western Rome is also considered to have ended its history since 476 AD While Eastern Rome continued to survive for 1000 years later until it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks on May 29, 1453 AD. This is where the Roman timeline meets the period of the Quran and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. what is meant by the people of Rum in Surah Rum is the Eastern Romans.

Rum in the modern century was transformed into a nation called Russia. This can be seen from the aftermath of the fall of the city of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks. There are several parameters that can be used to the conclusion:

  • The nephew of Constantine XI (the last emperor of Byzantine) fled to Rome (Italy) and claimed to be the successor of the Roman Empire. But that claim has no effect because he does not have territory.
  • Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih claimed to be the Roman Emperor (Kayser-i Rum). This claim continued by his successor until the collapse of the Ottoman Turks.
  • Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih claim was opposed by Russia, which felt that it was more entitled to hold the title of successor to the Roman Empire, one of which was due to the similarity of religion of Byzantines and Russia, namely Orthodox Christianity (which is different from Catholic Christians headed by the Pope at the Vatican).
  • The Danubian Principalities which broke away from Byzantium at the time of the Crusades also claimed their rule as the successor of the Roman Empire. Apart from that they also served as a refuge for most of the Orthodox Christians and Byzantine nobility.
  • After the death of the Danubian leader, Ivan III, Grand Duke of Moscow, assumed the role of protector of Orthodox Christians. His grandson Ivan IV later became Russia's first Tsar. Therefore, Moscow or Russia is seen as the most entitled to claim itself as the successor of the Roman Empire until the bolshevik revolution which abolished the Russian royal system.
  • Russ (Russia) is a nation that has the characteristics as described in the Quran and Hadith, which is superior in military technology, always able to match any technology created by other nations in the world, Orthodox Christians (People of the Book), people who closely in love and affection to Muslims. Russia is a reflection of the rise of the Romans at the end of time.
The alliance among Muslims and the Rum:
The faith (followers of the divine religion) and the phenomenon that occurred at the end of the age that brought the people of Rum to be friend of Muslims. The Orthodox Christian understanding of the concept of divinity is similar to the Muslim concept, where both understand that Allah is the Lord of the Universe, and Jesus Christ is the Messenger of Allah. In other words, Orthodox Christians are people of faith. They are in the Quran called the People of the Book (the inheritors of the book), namely the Torah and the Gospels.

"You (Muslims) will make peace with the Romans peacefully. Then you will fight against an enemy behind them. Then you will be safe and get the spoils of war. Then you will reach a vast and hilly meadow. So a Roman man stood up and he raised the sign of the Cross and said, 'The cross has won'. So a man from the Muslims came to him, and he killed the Roman man. Then the Romans betrayed and there was a war where they will unite against you under 80 flags, and under each flag there are twelve thousand soldiers". (hadith Ahmad, Abu Dawud, dan Ibnu Majah)

Conquest of Constantinople:

"Truly you will conquer Constantinople. The best leader is his leadership. And the best team is the team that is under his leadership" (Hadith. Ahmad).

Constantinople was the heart of the Eastern Roman Empire, the capital of the Byzantine government which is now known as Istanbul (Turkey).

"When Jerusalem (Jerusalem) is raising, then at that time (you will see) Medina collapsed. When Medina collapsed (what happened later was) the war of the end times. At the end of time war will be a conquest of Constantinople. (after) the conquest of Constantinople, dajjal will appear in human being" (Hadith: Abu Daud).